
Business Research
We offer our members an intensive business research service. We support you in expanding your Finnish-German business relations.
Establishing contacts with business partners and consultants
Contacts to universities, schools and educational institutions
Research of industry-relevant contacts

Baijeri tarjoaa paitsi vahvaa taloudellista ja innovatiivista voimaa myös korkeaa elämänlaatua Alppien ja Välimeren läheisyyden ansiosta. Lisäksi tarjolla on lukuisia rahoitusmahdollisuuksia ja tukiohjelmia start-up-yrityksille, jotka haluavat hyötyä Baijerin asemasta start-up-yrityksen sijaintipaikkana. Suomalaiset IT-yritykset voivat hyötyä suomalais-saksalaisesta talousyhteistyöstä ja pendelöidä tehokkaasti Suomen ja Baijerin välillä Münchenistä, sillä lentoaika on vain 2,5 tuntia.

Business Meetings
Are you planning a business event or a business trip to Finland / Germany? We are happy to help you with the planning and implementation.
Planning and organization of professional events
Customer acquisition and support at trade fairs
Accompaniment and interpreting at business meetings
Good to know...
Finland Info
Business Culture -
Do's & Dont's
Since 2018, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for the sixth time. This is the result of the World Happines Report, a global initiative of the UN. Business with Finland makes you happy! You can find out how to do this on the following pages.
Advantage of Munich as location
From the companies' point of view, Munich is one of the most popular locations in Germany. This is particularly due to the infrastructure and geographical location. Bavarian companies and business are pulling together in the same direction, the quality of life is particularly high and Munich offers a central location and infrastructure in Europe.